Tag Archives: milestone session

Jax | Fresno, CA Baby Photographer

baby boy, 6 months old, sitter, wearing white linen romper, Fresno baby photographer

It is such an honor, an immense compliment, when you bring your babies and families back to me to document more memories. I first met this darling family during Jax’s newborn session. I was so excited to see how much he has grown and how his little personality has developed in just a few short...

Jaxon | Fresno Baby Photographer

Sitter Session, 9 Month Milestone Session, Baby, Boy, Fresno, Clovis, CA Photographer, One Good Shot Photography

Well since it’s officially baseball season, and I’m officially posting on the blog again, I thought it was necessary to share these darling photographs from Jaxson’s 9 month session.  In case you didn’t know, they are a huge baseball family.  Every session I’ve done with Jax we’ve incorporated baseball.  Here’s a peek at his Newborn,...

Jordan 6 Months | Fresno Baby Photographer

Fresno Baby Photographer, One Good Shot Photography, Milestone Session

This sweet baby girl came back for her 6 month milestone session and was absolutely perfect!  Milestone sessions are a great way to capture your baby’s changing features and personality.  There is so much more to take in when they advance from tummy time to sitting on their own.  I recommend milestone sessions be scheduled...