Tag Archives: ca

Jace ~ Baby Photographer Fresno, CA

Baby Photographer Fresno, 6 month, sitter session, milestone, naked baby on tummy, smiling

I met Jace for the first time at his sitter session. His Auntie and cousins are frequent visitors to the studio and I was super excited to meet this little guy. He was all smiles! From the time he walked into the studio to the time he walked out. He rocked his outfits from the...

Newborn Photographer ~ Fresno, CA

Fresno Newborn Photographer, Baby girl, wrapped in pink, wool rose petal layer, floral headband, pink background

Meet Casen and his beautiful baby sister Blakely. Big brother, who was not even two yet, was so sweet with his baby sister. They are definitely going to have a special bond. And miss Blakely was the best sleeper!! I could’ve taken pictures of her all day long.

Fresh 48 Session ~ Fresno, CA Newborn Photographer

Fresh 48 Session, Newborn baby girl, Fresno, Ca, dad holding baby

Their first cry, their first bath, the first time they grasp your finger or melt into your chest. Remember all of these tiny details during a Fresh 48 session. These sessions take place in the hospital, the first 48 hours after birth. It’s relaxed, intimate, and will create lasting memories of the birth of your...