Tag Archives: bump

Jessica | A Maternity Session

Fresno Maternity Photographer, Husband and wife in a field, pregnancy photos

Parenting is hard. It’s most likely one of the toughest jobs in the world! And yet, it can also be the most rewarding. I got the feeling right away that these two are going to fall quite naturally into parenting. I’m so excited to capture their journey and beyond.

Baby Bump | Fresno Maternity Photographer

Fresno Maternity Photographer | One Good Shot Photography, Fresno, Clovis, CA, Studio Session, Baby, Belly, Bump, Backlighting, Portrait, Black and White

Bump to Baby From the very first flutter, to the intense kicks of your growing baby, this is your journey into motherhood.  A journey all it’s own. It’s a time of excitement, joy, fear, angst, hope, wonder, and anticipation.  And before you know it, this time will pass and you’ll be holding your very own...