Tag Archives: Boy

Baby Dean | Fresno, Ca Baby Photographer

Oh sweet Baby Dean!!!  You are a handsome little fella aren’t you?!?!  These bright blue eyes are going to break some hearts when you get older.  Especially if you keep dressing dapper in your Kid Dreams clothing.  If you haven’t been to Kid Dreams you have to check it out!  They have adorable clothing for newborns...

Tommy {Two}

Master Tommy turns TWO! I can’t believe this family has been in my life for only a year…In just a short twelve months we’ve come to know each other and love each other; we support each other, we encourage one another,  we “get” each other.  We’re like old friends that have gone months without talking and...

First Birthday Boy

This sweet boy has a special place in my heart.  You see…I get to take care of him during the day while his mommy and daddy work.  He keeps me company.  He makes me smile.  He gives me snuggles that I miss out on during the day while my own kids are in school.  We...