Callum | Fresno Baby Photographer

Happy Birthday Master Callum!!

Oh how how I’ve loved every session with you and watching you grow in the the little wild one you are.  Just kidding…you’re not a wild one.  You are perfect the way you are.

I’ve had the pleasure of photographing this baby boy since his birth.  Mom always has the best themed ideas for him. From his Monster’s Inc. Newborn Session, to his Mickey Mouse Milestone Session, to this.  I love everything about this!  Happy Birthday buddy!  I hope you every birthday you get to smash some cake!

first birthday boy, where the wild things are, tee pee, cake smash, woodsy

first birthday boy, where the wild things are, tee pee, cake smash, woodsy

baby boy, first birthday, where the wild things are, reading bookfirst birthday boy, where the wild things are, tee pee, cake smash, woodsyfirst birthday boy, where the wild things are, tee pee, cake smash, woodsybaby eating cake with no hands, where the wild things are, first birthday, cake smashfirst birthday boy, where the wild things are, tee pee, cake smash, woodsyfirst birthday boy, where the wild things are, tee pee, cake smash, woodsy, baby smiling first birthday boy, where the wild things are, tee pee, cake smash, woodsyfirst birthday boy, where the wild things are, tee pee, cake smash, woodsy, hand in cake